Statutes of the Swedish Gundog League - SGL
Adopted at the annual meeting of 2 September 2017
§ 1 Objectives
For the Swedish Gundog League - SGL, hereinafter referred to as the club, it is important to create good conditions for the dog, dog owner and dog owner by:
- Arrange trials and tests to get a healthy development of gundogs in accordance with The Kennel Clubs Field Trials Rules and Regulations
- Inform and disseminate knowledge about the test forms.
- Create and maintain good relationships between the outside world, the club and the dog owner.
§ 2 Activities
To reach the set goal, the club will:
- Inform and spread knowledge about the Swedish Gundog League - its goals, organization and working methods.
- Inform to the club about hearing activities and their uses.
- Actively follow the development of the club's activities in and outside the country.
- Educate judges, contest leaders, judge educators, instructor trainers and other officials.
- Design rules for tests and / or competitions as well as authorize and unauthorize judges, instructors and other functionaries for the competition.
- Organize competitions / tests in accordance with established rules and guidelines. Only purebred dogs registered in the FCI-linked club have the right to participate.
§ 3 Membership
Individual person can become a member of the club. The board grants membership. Each member has the right to vote from the year under which he is 16.
A member must comply with the club's statutes, issued rules and guidelines. In accordance with proven experience, members must also supervise the dogs so that any legitimate objection to dog breeding can not be done by a kennel consultant or other competent inspection body.
The annual meeting may, on a proposal from the Board, call it as a meritorious promoter of the club's purposes as honorary member.
Membership ends if a member requests his withdrawal from the club or does not pay his membership fee within the stipulated time.
Board members and elected representatives as well as individual members participating in hunting trial shall be invited to resolve the state hunting license.
§ 4 Membership fee
The size of the membership fee is decided by the Annual General Meeting. Other lower fees may be determined for the youth member, supportive member and family member.
Honorary member is exempt from membership fee but has the same rights and obligations as full paying member.
§ 5 Business year and term of office
The club's business and fiscal year shall be calendar year. With the term of office referred to in these Statutes, the persons elected pursuant to the statutes shall be: from the annual meeting at which the election has taken place, until the next annual meeting or even the annual meeting to which the term of office refers.
§ 6 Organization
The club's affairs are conducted by the annual meeting and a board of directors elected by the annual meeting.
The club's seat is equal to the chairman's place of residence.
§ 7 Annual Meeting
Moment 1 Introduction
Ordinary annual meeting shall be held annually before the end of February.
Extra annual meeting shall be convened by the Board, or when the club's auditors so request, or when at least one quarter of club members request this in writing for the stated purpose.
If extra annual meeting is requested, this must be held within 60 days.
Notice of annual or extraordinary annual meeting shall be issued by the Board and communicated to members not later than 21 days before the meeting by announcement on the club's website, by e-mail or in an equivalent manner. The time and place of the annual meeting is decided by the Board.
Moment 2 Agenda
Ordinary annual meeting shall be opened by the Chairman of the Board or, if not present, by the Vice-Chairman of the Board.
Annual meeting is terminated by the Chairman of the Board or, if not present, by the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting, the following matters shall be present:
- Adjustment of voice length.
- Election of chairman of the annual meeting.
- Board announcement of minutes at the annual meeting.
- Choice of two adjusters who, together with the chairman of the meeting, will adjust the minutes. The selected adjusters are additionally voice counters.
- Decisions on attendance and right of expression except for club members.
- Ask if the meeting has been announced.
- Determination of the agenda.
- Board of Directors 'report with balance sheet and income statement and the auditors' report.
- Determination of the balance sheet and profit and loss account, as well as decisions on these gains or losses.
- The Board's report on the assignments of the previous annual meeting to the Board.
- Decisions on discharge from the Board
- a. Decision on the Board's proposal for business plan. b. Decision on membership fee for the coming fiscal year. c. Decision on the Board's proposal for a framework budget.
- Election of Chairman.
- Election of ordinary members and alternate members of the Board pursuant to section 8 and decisions on alternate members' employment scheme.
- Election of two auditors and two deputy auditors pursuant to section 9 of these Statutes.
- Decision on immediate adjustment of paragraphs 13 to 15.
- Decisions on the number of members and alternates for the next fiscal year
- Election of election committee pursuant to Section 10 of these Statutes.
- Other matters referred to by the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting or by 1 January at the latest, are reported to the Board. The registration of such a case shall be in writing. To the matter, the Board of Directors for consideration at the annual meeting shall issue a statement and make a decision. Vä Väcks at the Annual General Meeting proposal in a case not included in item 19 may, if the annual meeting so decides, the matter is discussed but not decided.
Moment 3 Voting
At the annual meeting, each member has the right to vote, proposal and voting from the year under which he is 16.
Voting with a power of attorney must not be made. Voting will usually be open. Voting in elections must be done with closed banknotes if someone requests this. In cases other than elections, voting can be done with closed banknotes if someone so requests and if the meeting so decides. As the meeting's decision, the sentence with the highest number of votes except in the case of other matters applies. For decision, simple majority of the votes cast are required. In case of equal voting in cases where voting is open, the opinion supported by the chairman is valid provided that he is a member. Otherwise, the case will be settled by lottery.
If the voting rate in the case of voting with closed banknotes becomes equal, the case is settled by lottery.
Any reservation against the decision of the meeting in a matter shall be given in writing. The signed reservation must be submitted to the chairman of the meeting and notified of this before the meeting is declared complete.
Moment 4 Attendance Rights and more
At the annual meeting, the following persons are entitled to attend and to comment but not entitled to participate in decisions. They also have the right to note in the minutes a conflict of opinion.
- Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.
- Auditors appointed by the Annual General Meeting and Deputy Auditors.
If any of the above-mentioned members are a member, the same applies to another member.
Moment 5 Motions and Issues
Exercises that members wish to receive at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing and signed to the Board by 1 January.
The Board of Directors shall, in its own opinion, submit the motion to the Annual General Meeting. If at the annual general meeting a proposal is raised in a case not included in section 19, other matters, if the meeting so decides, the case will be discussed but not decided. At extra annual meeting, only matters mentioned in the notice may be taken for decision.
Moment 6 Costs
The club is responsible for all expenses for specified persons according to section 7, item 4 at the annual and extraordinary annual meeting.
§ 8 Board of Directors
The management of the club's affairs is handled by a board elected by the annual meeting.
Moment 1 Board organization
The Board consists of a chairman and four, six or eight ordinary members and at least one and a maximum of four deputies.
Ordinary annual meeting elects chairman for one year, other members for two years.
Ordinary members are elected so that at each annual general meeting, half of the members are appointed for two years while the other members have one year's mandate and alternates for one year.
The alternate serves in the order of voting at the annual meeting, or, if no votes are present, according to the decision of the annual meeting.
Only the member of the club can be elected as a regular member and alternate.
The Board elects vice-chairman as well as within or outside of the secretary and treasurer. The board is entitled to admit persons or persons. This or these have the right of expression but not entitled to participate in decisions.
The Board appoints inside or outside individuals who individually or in association have the right to sign the club's company.
The board may appoint a committee of committees and within or outside committees or working groups to handle the duties specified by the Board.
The Board meets after convening from the chairman or in case of prevention from the Vice Chairman.
The Board shall meet at least four times per calendar year.
At the meeting, minutes shall be recorded.
The board is decided when all members are called and more than half of the members are present at the meeting. As the Board's decision, the sentence that receives the most votes applies. If the number of votes is the same, the sentence is supported by the chairman.
Stage 2 Board assignment
In addition to the provisions of these statutes, the Board shall, inter alia:
- Prepare matters to be considered by the annual meeting.
- Implementation of the annual meeting made decisions and assignments.
- Responsible for the club's assets, archives and correspondence.
- Deliver an annual report with balance sheet and income statement to the Annual General Meeting.
- At the latest 4 weeks before the Annual General Meeting, submit an annual report to the auditors with the balance sheet and income statement.
- Create programs regarding time and place for competitions.
- Otherwise, take care of the club's affairs
§ 9 Auditors
The club's balance sheet and income statement and the Board's management of the club's affairs are reviewed annually by the auditors appointed by the Annual General Meeting.
Auditors and Deputy Auditors are elected for a period of one year. By one year is meant the time from the annual meeting when elections have taken place until the next regular annual meeting.
The club's report with balance sheet and income statement shall be submitted to the auditors no later than 4 weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
The auditors' report must be submitted to the Board no later than 2 weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
Ordinary auditors have the right to request attendance at Board meetings.
Regular auditors shall receive minutes from Board meetings.
The auditors are entitled to demand that an extra annual meeting be held.
§ 10 Nomination Committee
Nomination committee appointed by the annual meeting shall prepare the elections that will be held at the annual meeting.
The Nomination Committee shall consist of three members of which one convening party. The term of office of convening shall be one year and for the other members two years. The convening of the Nomination Committee and one member shall be elected at each annual meeting.
Following a decision by the Board, the Nomination Committee may be given an opportunity to attend a board meeting.
The Nomination Committee's convening meeting shall receive minutes from the Board's meetings.
§ 11 Protocols
Protocols shall be given at the annual meeting and at the meetings of the Board. The protocols shall reflect the issues dealt with and the decisions taken and shall be adjusted by the acting chairman and by the chosen or chosen adjuster.
The protocols must be accessible to members and safely archived.
§ 12 City change
Proposals for amendments to these statutes shall be dealt with in accordance with section 7, subs. 2, paragraph 19.
Decisions to amend the statutes are taken by the Annual General Meeting.
For such a decision, it is required either that it is supported by three quarters of the meeting participants taking part in decisions at the Annual General Meeting or similar decisions shall be taken by simple majority at two consecutive annual meetings of which at least one shall be ordinary.
§ 13 Termination of the club
In order for a club resolution to be valid, this should be taken by two consecutive annual meetings, of which at least one ordinary, and at the later annual meeting, have been supported by at least three quarters of the voting.
If the club is dissolved as a member organization, the funds of the club shall be used in accordance with the final meeting of the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the provisions of Acts and Operations 1 and 2 of these Statutes.