
Initially, the Swedish Gundog League will not train or have its own gundog trainers in the club. However, the Swedish Gundog League obviously wants to help members prepare their dogs as well as possible before the trials the club offers. Many skilled coaches and dog handlers are attached to the club and our intention is to establish cooperation with as many of them as possible. In our network of contacts there are also many British judges and trainers. As a member of the Swedish Gundog League, we hope you seek knowledge of British Field Trials and their rules, as these rules are also our rules in the Swedish Gundog League.

In connection with British judges coming to judge, training days will be organized in connection with the tests. Keep an eye out for it on the website!

 You may contact the Education Committee if you have any questions or concerns.

Education in Swedish Gundog League

Swedish Gundog League's training programs are primarily aimed at club officials, such as hunters, dog stewards and judges.

In addition to the information and review of test rules that will be on the planned regional info events, some seminars will be open to all members, held during the Working Test season, possibly combined with a brief review out in the field.